Designing Child-Friendly Neighbourhoods

Natalia Krysiak was awarded a Churchill Fellowhip to investigate best practice for designing child-friendly high-density neighbourhoods – Singapore, China, Japan, Canada, UK

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Traditional Coachbuilding

Robert Siemsen was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study and further his understanding in the craft of traditional Coachbuilding – UK

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Heavy Vehicle Safety

Michael Holmes was awarded the NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust Churchill Fellowship to investigate best practices to improve heavy vehicle safety in urban environments – UK, Sweden, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA

Kelp Farming Aquaculture


Joanne Lane was awarded the Yulgilbar Foundation Churchill Fellowship to investigate appropriate methods for introducing kelp farming aquaculture to Australia – USA, Canada, Norway, UK, Ireland

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Welcome to the NSW CFA

The Churchill Fellows Association of NSW is an incorporated association run by a management committee of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and supporting committee members.

The CFA supports activities for Fellows in NSW. These include the presentation of new Fellows at Government House, the New Fellows Presentation Dinner, and the Annual Dinner where recently returned Fellows are presented with their Churchill Fellowship Medallions awarded by The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

Talks, forums, and other activities allow this unique ‘community of Fellows’ to share their Fellowship experiences and learnings.

Learn globally, inspire locally

Numbering over 1,100 of Australia’s best and brightest, our NSW Fellows are totally diverse and invariably innovative. Their projects are the result of extra endeavour and show an aspect of striving for excellence. These are the hallmarks of a Churchill Fellow.

The Churchill Trust can support any worthwhile pursuit with no preconceptions as to what form it can take. This is evidenced clearly by the extraordinary variety of fields in which Churchill Fellows are involved.

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